This is my educational history:

September 2007 - Now

Master Management of Technology at the Delft University of Technology. (Expected date of graduation: July 2009)



September 2006 – August 2007

Pre-master Electrical Engineering, specialization Computer Engineering at the Delft University of Technology. Completion gave access to the Master Management of Technology. (Average grade 8,2)



September 2002 - July 2006


Human Electrical Engineering at Fontys University of Applied Sciences. Specialisation: Commercial technical manager. (Average grade: 7,0)

Extra courses (18 ects): Ethics, Statistics 2, and Research methods and techniques



September 2000 - March 2002


Electrical Engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology. (Not Fininshed)



September 1994 - July 2000


Gymnasium program at Gymnasium Beekvliet, Sint Michielsgestel, beta specialization. (Average grade: 7,0)